Saturday 17 August 2013

Knowing About Truffles

The price is a key factor especially if you are new to Truffles. For example the Truffles that are in high supply such as Black Summer Truffles tend to be a lot cheaper than their Winter counterpart that aren't in such a high supply. If you are new to Truffles you won't want to spend too much money on something that you may not like so it's best to buy a smaller amount and try to save a bit of money to be used in your favorite gourmet recipes. The most expensive Truffles tend to be the Perigord (Black Winter Truffle) or the White Winter Truffles as they are of a high quality and in a shorter supply.

The different varieties have very different tastes from hazel nuts to deep earthy flavors. They also have different aromas and can be more pungent than other varieties. Depending on the time of the season, the flavour and aroma will change. At the start of a Truffle season the taste and smell of the Truffle will not be as strong as the mid to late season Truffles. It is often recommended to buy Truffles around a month into the season as these will be of better quality so you get more bang for your buck and more of the best gourmet foods out there.

As a general rule of thumb the white Truffles are much more of a rarity so will cost a little more than black. However with that being said, prices do vary depending on how common the type of Truffle is during the season.

The current Truffle in season now is the Black Summer Truffle which is the most cost friendly. It is rich in aroma and has a complex earthy flavour and it won't empty the bank, making the it the perfect starter truffle as well as a brilliant buy for the more experienced buyer.

Truffles of course can be found in many different countries around the world such as France, Italy or even Australia and America. In England they are often found in the summer months however they aren't as in such high supply and are often found later in the year.

Another key thing about the varieties of Truffle is that they keep for a slightly different amount of time. By this I mean the amount of time that a truffle stays fresh and at its peak in quality. As a general rule you should use the Truffle within two weeks of being hunted as after this time they will start to loose flavour unless they are preserved. The Black Summer Truffles for example will keep for a little longer than any other kind (around two to three weeks after being hunted).

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